Optimizing Your HVAC For Working From Home

Back in the old days, when we spent workdays at the office, commercial HVAC systems would be optimized for employee performance. Since working from home has become the norm, we’re left to our own devices to make sure we have the best conditions for performing at our best. Besides the right workstation ergonomics, you need to ensure that the air quality is suitable for the hours you spend working. Here are some HVAC tips for optimizing your work from home performance. 


A poorly ventilated space results in a buildup of carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds and pathogens, each of which can make you sick. Even without actually getting sick, you may find yourself getting headaches, feeling tired and otherwise unable to perform at your best.

The human body needs fresh air for good health and that affects your ability to work from home. Rather than deal with the difficulties of low energy and struggle through each day, you can make some simple upgrades to your HVAC system to introduce more ventilation.

Ensure that, at a minimum, you have exhaust fans that work and operate regularly. Ideally, add a whole-house ventilation system with an energy recovery ventilator so you minimize your energy consumption while boosting your work efficiency.


Temperatures too high can make you drowsy (it’s probably not the work. Maybe partly, but that’s another story). A hot workspace will cause you to lose electrolytes and reduce your brain’s ability to process information. At the same time, a room that is too cold will also prevent you from concentrating enough to get your work done. Shivering is distracting at the very least and any level of ongoing discomfort while working will affect your ability to work. Have your furnace tuned and make modifications as necessary to keep your space at the right temperature so you can perform at your peak.


Humidity issues range from mold growth in your home to dry mucus membranes. Your health is affected by humidity issues and that affects your performance. Something as simple as dry skin can be a distraction even if you’re not faced with more severe humidity issues in your home. Consider adding a humidifier to your home’s HVAC system with proper humidity control so that you’re not faced with humidity that’s too high or low, especially during cold weather.

If you’re feeling like your home’s HVAC system isn’t providing the best air quality for your work – at – home environment, give us a call! One of our team members would be happy to help.

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